Bhoj Masale Revenue Scaled to 4X within 6 months with SEO
Keywords Ranked
Revenue Growth
Backlinks Built
Keywords under Top 5
4X Revenue from Organic Search Traffic!
About The Client
Bhoj Masale is a premium spice brand delivering authentic Indian flavors. It offers a diverse range of handpicked spices and blends crafted with the finest ingredients to bring home the rich taste of traditional Indian cuisine.
The Challenge
The challenge was to rank directly for the names of the spices and generic terms like ‘Chilli Flakes’ and ‘Red Chilli Powder’.
In our Keyword Research process we had discovered that Indian consumers who are the target audience who would potentially be looking for spices online, showed majority buyer intent with direct or generic terms instead of LSI
Our Approach
We optimised the entire website with the following tactics
Rich Content for Product Pages
On-Page SEO
Technical SEO
Fixing URL structures
Building High Quality Backlinks
Advanced Internal Linking Strategies
What followed was a 4X* growth in revenue from Google Search for the client.