
Ranking number #1 in the Industry for Algomage

Keywords Ranked
0 +
Backlinks Built
0 +
Keywords under Top 5
0 +

'Ai Image Sharing' ranked number #1

About The Client

Algomage is an innovative technology company specializing in AI-driven solutions tailored for the media and photography industries. Their platform streamlines photo editing workflows by leveraging artificial intelligence to automate tasks, ensuring speed and consistency without compromising quality. With a focus on enhancing productivity and reducing turnaround times, Algomage empowers photographers and studios to scale their operations efficiently.

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The Challenge

The challenge was to rank number #1 for the main keyword as all the competitors of our client would also aim for the top spot and we had to beat them and once that is achieved we also must retain it.

The other difficulty that presented itself was to work on technical and on-page SEO with a custom developed site which is also the product so we were given limited access and had to work via the development team of the client instructing them to execute the changes we suggested. 

Our Approach

We optimized the entire Algoshare page primarily along with the site with the following tactics

  • On-Page SEO
  • Technical SEO
  • Content Gap Analysis
  • Building High-Quality Backlinks

Using these techniques we were able to rank for the keyword on the top spot and also have been able to retain the position for more than 1 year and counting.

The Result

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